Curt Talkin'

A place to share my thoughts about life and the world. Yes . . . I stole the name from Corner Gas

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Movie Stars

Yesterday was a pretty slow day at work, the produce man, Abdul, finished his contract and isn't working at the Food Bank anymore. So it was different not having a boss, and trying to find jobs for the Fine Option people to keep them busy. There wasn't much sorting going on, and not a lot of clients, so there was a lot of cleaning going on.

After work, I came home to three letters, which was good because I hadn't gotten many since I returned to the house. We had Sloppy Joe's for dinner then Erin, Matt, and I settled in for 3 hours of French lessons. We played Scrabble, Guess Who, and did some book work so it was a pretty easy lesson.

Then once French was over Erin wanted to make a movie about our house. So she got Sophie and I to give a guided tour of our house since usually Sophie and I can get pretty funny together sometimes. The movie was OK, there was lots of good parts, but we decided to make another one tonight with Erin and I since her family might want to see her in the movie when she shows it in Vancouver this weekend for her 48 hours.

Tonight, after dinner, we have a "Mid-Trimester" thingy-a-ma-jig where we talk to the Project Coordinator (The Big Cheese) and discuss what contributions we have made so far and how much we have improved. It will also be a time to discuss what we need to improve in our group and how Erica, our Project Leader, is doing. Then it will be movie making time again!


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