Curt Talkin'

A place to share my thoughts about life and the world. Yes . . . I stole the name from Corner Gas

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

"We've been bumped = BAD" - Part 1 of 48 Hours

So this last weekend was my 48 hours off for my Saskatoon rotation, I haven't written much in my blog about it because it was to be a surprise for my friends and family. Fyd-L-Styx had a concert on December 1st, the first day of 48, so the plan was for Dale to come and pick me up and get me back to the concert in time to surprise everyone. The next morning we were suppose to fly to Vancouver for the Cancuks and Aves game.

Everything was going to plan, I got off work at 10:00 AM and caught a bus up to the airport to meet Dale around 11:00. His flight came in on time and we were all ready to go to Toronto. The day before there were still seats avaible and we thought we had a good chance at making it on the plane. But when they called the Standbys we found out there was only 1 seat left, and because there was light snow a weight restriction had been put onto the plane. So Dale and I ran back down stairs to the ticket counter and tried to find an alternate route. We decided to wait for the next flight to Toronto and hoped that the concert ran longer so we could still make an appearance. So we hung out for a couple of hours and had lunch then went back through security for a second time. The first time they waved me through, but this time they didn't like my belt and watch. So when they called the Standbys again and we found out the we had been bumped again, the 4th time and Dale's life and second time that day. So decided just to stay in Saskatoon Friday night and leave for Vancouver in the morning since we would arrive in Peterborugh at 12:30AM. It was a smart choice because later that night the flight to Toronto was cancelled due to poor weather in Toronto. Dale's wife sent the tickets from Peterborough to Vancouver over night since we couldn't make it back. It was Jess' 19th birthday so we all went out dinner at Boston Pizza and had a pretty good time. It was off to bed early for me to get ready to try and get out of Saskatchewan one more time.


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